What great thing would you attempt
if you knew you will succeed?
Is Coaching for YOU?
Each human being is unique and even though we might be similar.
How? By the way we experience various situations.
- Are you tired from “playing your games” that are expected by your environment?
- Are there some situations in your life that make you feel down?
- Do you lack the time to do things that you would like to?
- Are you unclear how to make the first step to make your plan happen?
WHEN to try Coaching?
My clients ask themselves these questions (on their journey) most frequently:
- You are thinking “I would like to change something… but first I have to…” or you do not know what to change.
- You are doing your best and yet you are thinking: “How can I be a better parent, partner, employee, son/daughter?” or “It is not good enough what I am doing?”
- Your energy is drained and you are asking yourself: “Why am I doing all this? Where is this all leading to? Why am I here?”
WHAT you may get out of coaching?
Benefits of coaching came to me as ‚too good to be truth‘. Until the moment I have been coached myself as a client. It was like a transformative earth-shaking for my mind and soul.
Coaching can bring to you:
- Greater clarity and focus of what you really want
- Enhanced self-awareness and increased self-esteem
- New sensation of a freedom of your own choice
- Greater joy and fulfilment in your Life and Work.
HOW does Coaching work?
Coaching is simply a conversation where I help you to discovering and real-izing new things:
- About yourself: What do you really wish for. And stop doing things that do not bring you the fulfilment.
- About relationships and your environment: How to create harmonic relationships. And get rid of the discomfort when interacting with others.
Coaches believe that clients have the answers and that each person is capable to discover what they need, including the sources of wisdom and energy. Thus the clients become more prepared and empowered (“em-power-ed”) for own transformation.
The aim of the coaching is to utilize this knowledge in everyday life. Learn new possibilities that will be in line with your priorities.
…and looks like?
- The length and frequency of coaching sessions are aligned between you and me depending on individual needs. I recommend a minimum package of 6 sessions over a period of 3 months.
- Coaching relationship will support you to reach your desired change. It is a safe and resonating space that intensifies your wishes and dreams. It is like a piano sounding board as a soul of the instrument that enables the chords to resonate in full strength into the space.
- Our coaching relationship is confidential. I am following the ICF (International Coach Federation) Code of Ethics.
“The most important in coaching were the discussions, where I could overcome unforeseen dimensions. Suddenly I was a person without the fear, with the sensation I can achieve everything. I cannot explain what happened, but in my chest I felt huge warmth.”
“I would say that there indeed is something about Rudolf’s coaching, when I managed to accomplish more in few months together with the coach than myself alone in 20 years.
Initially I expected an evaluation and advice. It did not come, because otherwise something would be missing. Over the time, I realize that Rudolf is able to provide a silent and right mirror to one, who is keen to see.”
“I have been working with Rudolf for about 6 months. He is a very professional person, straight forward and emphathetic. He has the capacity of visualizing and using the proper instruments, guides you to realize your potential. He is being key to breaking my state of stagnation and regain my will power to continue developing my business and myself.”
“I openly discussed many personal issues and my quest for meaningfulness. Rudolf showed me to look at the same problem from different angles which was very refreshing. I also realize that the ultimate change will have to come from yourself. Rudolf is an enthusiastic person, friendly and with integrity.”
“Mostly I had been relying on „my inner motivation“ having the professional experience in the companies, where the managerial development is limited, with exception to few training sessions. My initial idea about coaching revolved around increasing personal effectiveness, improving leadership skills and feedback on various working situations.
I tried coaching with Rudolf rather from curiosity and interest in learning something new. I was surprised by the wide range of content covered in coaching, techniques, human and at the same time highly professional approach of Rudolf from the first session, and I got excited where this path could lead me.
Couple of months of our common path meant to me deep experience, shift based on the trust where both sides had the possibility to grow mutually and inspire each other. There is a lot of things that one can assume. However, it is possible to recognize and articulate these things, learn the relationships and thus increase awareness Thanks to experienced coach. Given the gentle guidance by the coach we can live almost a leap growth with the overlap into multiple life areas. This is my experience and my Thanks to Rudolf for couple of sessions which help me to consciously create better life, when we make that choice.”
“I found Rudolf in a very desperate moment when I felt the urging need for reconnecting with myself. Before, I thought coaching would make me stronger and more prepared. Instead I had started to feel more vulnerable and sensitive after the sessions. However, I also realized that being vulnerable (and allowing myself to be vulnerable) is something necessary in being happy and loved… and to love who I am… Coaching was a great tool to get closer to my real self, to remove all the extra layers put on during the years of trying to live up to the expectations of my environment – parents, schools or employers. It was a revelation to understand my own core values and take actions towards living according to them. Rudolf created a safe and encouraging atmosphere for me to be able to face my fears and concerns, and cherished several moments of my self realization. He helped me to start walking on the path I strived for. I know this is just the beginning of the journey but after our few months of coaching together I feel much more comfortable to embrace it.”
Who am I?
I believe that the thoughts and ideas that I stand for may introduce myself better than any list of facts and figures.
- I believe that each human being searches happiness and can live own life with.
- I truly believe that people know deep inside what is their real nature and they desire to live in line with it.
- Developing imagination and receptiveness can simplify the search for new perspectives choices in life.
- People are able to recognize those important moments in life when we can step-change the quality of our life.
I have completed my qualification as a professional Co-Active Coach through CTI (The Coaches Training Institute) and am member of the ICF. For more details on Co-Active Coaching you may also refer to the following CTI page.
I am offering a hand on your journey to feel better and live a HAPPIER and MEANINGFUL life
- The success of a coaching relationship depends highly on the level of resonance between the client and coach. I offer free sample sessions (30 minutes) via phone as an opportunity for both of us to discover if we want to work together.
- I prefer the first informal contact with a potential client either in person or via Skype. In this informal session we mainly find out if there is a match and clarify anything you may be interested in. Once we agree on starting a Coaching cooperation I can coach either in person, via Skype or over the phone.
- If you have any Question or would like to book a sample session please send me an email.
Rudolf Vaco